We will be hosting a NEW fundraiser (second try since Hurricane Helene cut the first one short) for the Club that will start on February 28th and last two weeks. This will be done through a phone app called Money Dolly. With this app, you can donate any sum directly to the Club or browse and purchase from their product catalog...and get some pretty great deals along the way! Here is the link to the product catalog: https://catalog.moneydolly.com/
We don't do fundraisers often for the entire Club BUT we see where we want this Club to be in the future and we need our own fields to continue to grow and teach our future players! We are asking that you start sharing this with everyone as soon as possible as you can set up your account BEFORE the fundraiser officially starts on February 28th!.
Again - Invite link:
Join Code: 7WW6-Q9A5
If you have questions, there is the instructional video to watch when you click on the link. Nothing is shared or sold, your contacts will only get reminder texts/emails to donate, and you will not be bugged from Money Dolly after our two week period for the fundraiser is finished.
Office: 706-550-2858
Director of Coaching -
Andrew Hammer: bullsdoc12@gmail.com
Office Manager -
Kim Briggs: