Tournament Dates
The Columbia County Cup is the last weekend in August, just before Labor Day.
Tournament Details
This is a pre-season tournament that hosts Boys and Girls, U8-U19. We host players from Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina from Rec Teams to National Level Teams.
Tournament Rules
General Rules
1. No glass containers of any kind are permitted on any tournament site.
2. FIFA’s Laws of the Game shall govern all tournament play except as modified for the tournament.
3. All teams must check in using Sinc Sports Online Check In unless prior arrangements have been made with Tournament Director.
4. Teams are allowed to have 5 guest players with appropriate registration paperwork. 5. Teams can use a total of 5 Club Pass Players
Players may play on only one team participating in this tournament.
6. Protests are not allowed.
7. The Tournament Committee, Bulls Soccer Club, CCRD, Columbia County Board of Commissioners or any affiliated organizations, organizers or sponsors are not responsible for expenses incurred by any team or individual if the tournament is canceled in whole or in part for any reason.
8. In all U8-U10 games, punting will not be allowed. Build-out lines will be used.
9. In all U8-U12 games, there will be no heading. If a referee deems that a player intentionally heads the ball, an indirect free kick will awarded to the opposing team.
10. In any situations not provided for in these rules, the Tournament Committee will make decisions regarding the tournament.
Tournament Registration
Office: 706-550-2858
Director of Coaching -
Andrew Hammer:
Office Manager -
Kim Briggs: