E64 Select Competitive Teams

Our E64 Select Competitive Teams are the top teams for the Bulls. Players are birth years 2012-2006.

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E64 Select Competitive Teams: U13-U19

Our E64 Select Competitive teams are the highest level of competition for the Club. Boys teams are playing E64 Regional and Girls are playing E64 National. Both of these leagues have National pathways to give our players the best opportunity to have challenging opponents.


How We Train

E64 is part of US Youth Soccer and is one of the highest and most competitive leagues in the area.

Players on E64 teams practice 3 times a week and have games on the weekends. They will have 12-16 league games, 1-3 tournaments, and college showcases.

Fall Season is August to December for U13-U19 and Spring Season is January to May for U13 and U14 ONLY.

With this high level of competition, we focus on individual player development and increased soccer knowledge to help the players to compete at this level.

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